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Welcome Ladies!!!
You are now entering into a "Virtual Experience" mode. Let's Exhale...
Before you join this virtual experience, provided are a few references and guides to the right, that may be helpful throughout your journey listed here.
A Schedule of Events: Our Experience consists of three (3) sessions which start at 10:00 a.m.; 2:00 p.m.. and 4:00 p.m. respectively. This schedule is a quick reference for you as it outlines the day's event.
Reflection Guide: This printable, fillable, Reflection Guide is provided to serve as a compliment throughout the "Chosen" Day of Prayer, Praise and Purpose Experience.
Frequently Asked Questions: This is a quick link containing responses to commonly asked questions.
A Journal for Your Use: You may print this out and use it as frequently as you would like.
Join us at 10: 00a.m.; 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Live on YouTube and Facebook​
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